Coming to America!

We heard from USCIS that our i800 is approved to adopt Finnley. The LOA/LSC was China’s approval and the i800 is the U.S. approval. Each time I post, there are fewer and fewer steps. USCIS will 2 day mail our approval to the National Visa Center who will email us a pdf confirming it has been forwarded to the Consulate in Guangzhou, I email that pdf to our agency who emails it to their contact in China who hand delivers it to the consulate with Finnley’s visa application. The consulate will issue an Article 5 and the agency rep will pick this up and deliver it to CCCWA with our signed LOA and we wait for TA (travel approval). Once we get that precious TA we can book flights and go! We’re still not sure if it will be June or July – there is still hope for late June!

As of the end of April we had 80 out of 300 puzzle pieces sponsored – AMAZING!!! We’ve been able to build the entire frame of the puzzle and start working inwards.

80 down and 220 to go!! We are so grateful!

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We are truly blessed and amazed at the support we’ve received from family, friends and even people we don’t know who have shared our story and contributed in some way – donations, purchases through our Amazon link, collecting clothes, toys and books and more to help us. Thank you to everyone!


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